Generally speaking, welders are very tired. Although it is not heavy physical labor, the electrode holder is not heavy and the labor intensity is not great. However, the surrounding environment is very difficult. If outdoor equipment is welded, the temperature is high in summer, and you can bake steel plates to boil eggs. The sultry and barbecue situation of welders can be imagined. It's very cold in winter, so it's hard to freeze your hands and feet.
The welder's working posture changes with the need of welding workpiece. He may squat for hours or lie on his back for hours. It's really difficult and tiring to feel numbness in my legs and feet. In addition, many gases in welding operations are toxic and must be protected.
Although the welder is very tired, the technicians still have a lot to do. Many high-quality projects are in urgent need of their completion. Senior welders, with high income, are the key talents trained in the machinery manufacturing industry.