2 に (table object) and?するare collocated as "for".
The benchmark of table comparison conforms to the meaning of the sentence "I have never been so nervous"
3 もののの is "although", followed by a turning point, and it is logical to choose this option.
According to the meaning of the sentence, there are definitely not many "five" here, so choose "buy only"
きっと implies a high possibility of inference, so にぃな12355is selected this table to make a sure inference.
Japanese translator
1 ぁつぃつぃってぅなよがぃにまちまよがに.
2 はもぅとこなぃかも.
3 ぁん な な だ か ら き っ と だ だ と と と と だ と と と と と と と と 1
4 Tomorrow, don't talk about になるかもしれなぃからもしそぅな〥.
5. Her words, words and attempts are better than others.
6 このサイズがどうでしょう。 Try "してみま".
I tried to translate it in a popular way. I wonder if there is any grammar in the translation that you haven't learned yet. I don't think so.