The University of North Carolina is at the leading level in the United States in the research and aspects of science, engineering, agronomy, medicine and business, providing the most direct help to the economic, health and social needs of North Carolina. The school 16 campus * * * can provide bachelor's degrees in more than 300 disciplines, especially education, sociology, nursing and engineering. The University of North Carolina system and the University of California system are currently considered as the best university systems in the United States.
The University of North Carolina currently has 16 campuses, the most famous of which is Chapel Hill Campus. The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and other 15 campuses have made their own contributions to North Carolina. 16 campus is as follows:
University of North Carolina Charlotte, North Carolina 20 13 Latest ranking of American news 199.
University of North Carolina at Ashville
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (one of the 25 "new Ivy League" universities in the United States). )
University of North Carolina at Greensburg
University of North Carolina at pembroke
University of North Carolina at Wilmington
Sikaro of the University of West Carolina came to this university.
Winston-Salem State University
North Carolina College of Art North Carolina College of Art
North Carolina A & ampt State University North Carolina Agricultural Technology State University
North Carolina Central University
North Carolina State University
fayetteville state university
University of East Carolina
Elizabeth City State University
Appalachian State University Apara State University