Hearthstone legend: China and Europe fight against the miracle thief of weak chickens
Waiting for opportunity x
Backstab X.
Cold blood x
Fatal ointment x
Hide x
Bitter x
Poison blade x
Bloodmage thanos X.
Sap x
Mi 7 agent x
Knife fan x
Shadow impact x
Edwin (male name is prosperity and wealth)
Wancliffe x
Shaquille X, the poison of the heart.
Grave robber x
Rinoai x, the king of trains
Blue baby dragon x
Garkison auctioneer X.
In this competition, the miracle thief of weak chicken exposed 24 cards before and after the competition. Guess the remaining cards are: waiting for the opportunity, biting, boring, grave robbers, MI7 agents, deadly ointment or the earth ring prophet.