In addition, don't pay too much attention to what you learned in the university, but pay more attention to an experience, that is, your position in this university for four years and some people and things you accepted in it. Many people used to say that the university is actually a small society, because we can also get in touch with many people and things in our school, and there will be many people's warmth and coldness, so we can experience it in advance at this time.
Four years in college is mainly about learning how to be a man, and before entering the workplace, I have to learn some hard power and soft power I learned after entering the workplace. These are all things that we should study in advance in college, which is also one of the meanings of a person going to college. If every university fails to do these things well, our development and our work will be limited in the future.
Therefore, when a person comes to university, the most important thing is to learn some abilities and be able to shape his complete three views.