As for book fees, some colleges charge them as soon as they start their freshman year, which can make a lot of money. At that time, our college charged a copy of 800 yuan, but I heard that some colleges did not force books to be ordered from the school. Once a freshman asked us to buy second-hand books, which were very cheap. You'll know when you're a sophomore and a junior. Few people buy new books in textbooks for sophomores and juniors, but they all buy old books for seniors and seniors. After school starts, if the guide says that the book fee is not importuned, you should not pay it.
The price of food in the school canteen is ok, but it is a bit worthless. Take the dining hall of the East Hospital as an example. A side dish ranges from 1.5-4 yuan, and some are more expensive, such as 3 yuan with some meat and 3 pieces of vegetarian eggplant. Alas, we girls are ok, a side dish is enough to eat. Dinner can be guaranteed to be less than 4 yuan on average, and one day 10 is enough, of course, not including the improvement of food, hehe.
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