First, hold an American green card. The conditions for joining the US Armed Forces (US Army) are: US citizenship, US green card, or Palau (Micronesia) and Marshall Islands. Three Pacific island countries signed an agreement with the United States, and national defense was handed over to the United States, so citizens could join the US military. I don't know how to get the nationality of these island countries, but once I get it, I can definitely join the US military (if other conditions are met).
It is not easy to get a green card in America. For ordinary international students, to study abroad, find a job and get a work visa (this requires drawing lots, and even if the company wants you, the total number of visas in China is limited, which is likely to be unavailable), and the company guarantees to get a green card (bursting personality) and a green card (which requires scheduling and long waiting). At this time, if you get a green card, you can still be a soldier as long as you are not over age. At present, the upper age limit of the Air Force is 39. Even after more than ten years of studying abroad+working+green card, there is still a chance.
In addition, many people can also get green cards through outstanding talents (EB 1a), outstanding professors or scientific research talents (EB 1b), marriage, investment, relatives' guarantee and other channels. It is worth mentioning that even qualified green cards (green card channels such as marriage and investment generally have a two-year observation period) can apply for enlistment. Green card holders are not allowed to engage in confidential work (MOS), such as intelligence, which will be further explained in later job selection.
How to get a green card can refer to here:
How can I get an American green card? -American culture
With a green card, you have the most basic identity. Next, we must meet a series of requirements:
1. Age:
The age requirements for enlistment of various services and arms are already clear in the above picture. For example, the age of enlistment is 17-35. This means that after reaching the age of 17, they can be sent to basic combat training for recruits, and they must arrive at the new barracks before reaching the age of 35.
2. Physical condition:
Before joining the army, you should meet some basic physical requirements. First of all, to meet the height and weight standards, many overweight candidates need to lose weight before they can join the army. For example, a male aged 2 1-27, with a height of 173 and a weight of no more than 18 1 kg. For those applicants who are particularly muscular and healthy, but overweight, this requirement can be achieved by measuring the proportion of fat. The following are the specific height and weight requirements. Height is in inches and weight is in points:
American Army Male Height and Weight Standards
In addition, the military also has very detailed requirements for the body, including vision, hearing, body movements, urine tests and blood tests. Chickenpox, wisdom tooth extraction and laser vision correction surgery should be recorded. Color blindness can be a soldier, but the type of work is limited. At present, the army has restrictions on tattoos and piercings. If there are many tattoos or exaggerated piercings (such as ear holes the size of coins), you can't join the army.
3. Education and cultural level:
Joining the US military requires at least a high school education. High school dropouts can meet this requirement by obtaining a GED diploma with equivalent qualifications. If you graduated from a middle (foreign) high school, you can meet the requirements. All applicants have to take the Armed Forces Vocational Ability Test (ASVAB), which is used by the military to judge whether you meet the requirements for enlistment and decide what kind of work you can do. Nowadays, exams are generally computer-based and multiple-choice questions. The examination covers basic science, arithmetic, vocabulary (English, of course), reading comprehension, cars and tools, mathematics, machinery, electronic information, and object space (testing the sense of space). The exam is similar to the SAT, ACT and other college entrance examinations.
The following is a brief introduction to the exam: asvab military entrance exam catalogue and information.
The Chinese and math scores (vocabulary, reading, arithmetic and mathematics) at the beginning of ASVAB constitute AFQT scores. The level of AFQT determines whether a person is qualified to join the army. The score range is 1-99, which means you are doing better than 1% ~ 99%. For example, Xiao Ming scored 80 points, and he did better than 80 people. Different arms have different requirements for performance. Generally speaking, you should get at least 3 1.
The minimum score requirements of all arms can be referred to here: minimum ASVAB score and education level.
4. No (serious) illegal record. The general traffic violation problem is not big, so I won't discuss it in detail here. To what extent it is acceptable, and to what extent exemption is needed, please refer to a website of the Navy: Crime and Behavior Compensation Exemption Chart.
Meet the above requirements and you can join the US military for training!