Is low pressure 98 high pressure 120 hypertension?
At rest, measured three times systolic blood pressure ≥ 140mmHg and/or diastolic blood pressure ≥90mmHg are defined as hypertension. So I suggest you take your blood pressure several times. If this is the case, it is hypertension. If it is hypertension, your condition is mild, so you don't need to take medicine for the time being. First, stick to non-drug treatment for a period of time, and pay more attention to blood pressure at ordinary times to see if the situation has improved. Non-drug therapy includes: 1. Quit smoking. Give up drinking or limit drinking. Reduce and control weight. Reasonable diet (low salt, more vegetables and fruits rich in potassium, less fat, and high-quality protein) 5. Increase physical activity. Relieve mental stress and maintain psychological balance.