Be sure to go to the library and study room more often. Many books have not been read in college, and you may never have a chance to read them again in your life. Although not every book you read is useful, because you don't know which book will be useful, the best way is to read more. Although every time you catch a fish, it is just a net, but if you want to catch a fish, you must weave a net.
Don't compare your grades with your classmates after entering the university. Many college students don't compare their own ideas and uniqueness now, but compare them with some boring things, such as family background, academic performance, brand-name clothes and even looks. What is to be compared in college is thought, knowledge, manners and character. It is through four years of college that you can cultivate your temperament and connotation and cultivate your lifelong competitiveness.
The purpose of going to college is not only to find a decent job in the future, but also to get promoted and make a fortune, although you may have high gold content and can be used as a stepping stone. The meaning of university is to make people think independently. It is to make an immature heart mature, to broaden people's horizons, to make shallow people heavy, and to make impetuous hearts calm.
5, four years in college, you don't want to be a bully, how much bonus you get, please be a monitor, a student cadre and a man of the hour. You just want to learn what you want to learn, skip classes, do what you like, cultivate yourself, study and become the person you want to be. When you leave, what you want is not that others call me awesome, but that I am different from others.
6. The value of going to college Maybe now, I can meet the most important friends in the next few decades, I can tell who I will never associate with, I can concentrate on solving many puzzles, thus forming my own principles and learning to refuse. The value of going to college is that you understand that there are many excellent people in the world, and you begin to have the motivation to get close. Reading is not to get a diploma, not to get rich, but to become a person with temperature, interest and thought.
7, college, you play, you drink every day, you chat, you surf the Internet day and night, and so on, but you study hard, think hard, and study your subject hard. You are in the worst university, and you may be a very excellent talent; Don't be superstitious about famous brands and professors. There are many fakes now. Listen to the lecture if you want, or leave if you don't want. Learning is really self-obsessed, and it is useless for a good teacher to teach by hand.
8. After entering the university, I found that no matter how NB schools are, there are always a group of people who can't find their way, and there are always a group of people who are unswervingly moving towards the goal of SB schools. The quality of the school is less important than what kind of person you define yourself as. Scores are not judges, and schools are not the end point. As long as you stay awake, you will be equally coquettish in four years.
9. After four years of college, if you don't make a few desperate friends, you won't have a love worth remembering for a lifetime, and you won't feel the brilliance of youth; Instead, I became cautious, courting teachers, fighting with my classmates, and deceiving each other, just for a small scholarship, bursary, student cadres, honorary certificates, and places to join the party. What's the point of your university if you learn to intrigue only for a few thousand dollars, and only Nuo Nuo?
10, official career, business, academic. This so-called three kingdoms of life. Everyone will take one of these three paths after graduation. When planning your career, you may wish to take this as the basis, first think about which of these three roads to take, and then you can know exactly how to shape your core competitiveness and how to arrange your college life.
Students who don't skip class are not good students. There is no difference between skipping classes and not skipping classes. The only skill of many university teachers is to mislead others, and the only function of many university courses is to waste youth. Be sure to teach yourself, don't let the teacher lead you by the nose. At the same time, we should pay attention to the strategy of skipping classes, skipping classes, but don't skip classes. At the same time, we should not only skip classes, but also ask teachers to give high marks.
12, you can't specialize in one industry, and you can't specialize in only one industry. A thousand moves is not as good as one move. Ten percent is not 100%, but zero. If you can do one tenth of every ten jobs, you can't do anything in the eyes of the boss. Therefore, it is meaningful to become a professional first, and then "generalist". College graduates without core competitiveness are worthless.
13, no hot or cold in major, no high or low in school. No employer will think that you represent your school or your major. Therefore, don't think that your major is very popular or that your school is famous, or feel sorry for yourself because you are an unpopular major or a non-key institution. Many graduates majoring in Tsinghua and Peking University may not be as good as those majoring in history and philosophy in a normal university.
14, most girls regard computers as DVD players, and most boys regard computers as game machines. The internet can exert great power, enough to ruin your life. Never indulge in online chatting and online games. Waste money can be made up, but waste youth can never be made up.
15. How much money a person has does not mean how much money he has, but how much money he will use. Similarly, how much ability a person has means not only what he can do alone, but also what he can do through others. 12.5% of the money a person earns depends on his own knowledge, and 87.5% comes from contacts. Make money by profession before the age of 30, and make money by contacts after the age of 30. Therefore, college students must cherish the personal connections established during their college years, which will be your most precious wealth after graduation.
16, you can accumulate social practical experience through work-study programs, but you must grasp the degree, otherwise you will give up the foundation. When learning falls to a secondary position, college students can only say that they are part-time. At the same time, to improve the technical content of part-time, we should choose social practice around our career planning and core competitiveness.