Six quasi-colleges (called "permanent private schools" run by various religious factions) still retain their religious charters.
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Foxford University, or Oxford for short, is located in Oxford, England. It is a world-class federalism research institute university. Also known as Niu Jian with Cambridge University, it belongs to "G5 Super Elite University" with Cambridge University, University College London, Imperial College London and London School of Economics.
Founded in 1 167, Oxford University is the oldest university in the English-speaking world and the second oldest higher education institution in the world.
A number of top scientific masters have emerged, and a large number of epoch-making artists and heads of state have been trained, including 27 British prime ministers, 64 Nobel Prize winners and dozens of world heads of state and political and business leaders.
All these have established the position of Oxford University as a modern academic and cultural center in the world. It has a lofty academic status and extensive influence in the fields of mathematics, physics, medicine, law and commerce, and is recognized as one of the top higher education institutions in the world today.