The opening hours of colleges and universities are not decided by the Ministry of Education, but by colleges and universities themselves, so colleges and universities have great decision-making power, which leads to the different opening hours of colleges and universities. The time for college holidays is determined by the curriculum arrangement. The course schedule of each semester is at least 18 weeks, but some schools will do it 19 or 20 weeks (such as the above universities). The holiday is late, of course, the school is late, which leads to a different start date.
The admission itself is late. After the general college entrance examination results come out, you should be prepared to fill in your volunteers in advance. When volunteering, it will be done in batches. Generally, the first batch of volunteers and employment is reported in July, and the second batch is reported in early August. Volunteer and employment will be reported to colleges and universities. Second, the college admission is relatively late, and the whole admission process is also relatively long. After all, there are so many students involved in the college entrance examination, so it is very late for students to get the college admission notice, and some even get the admission notice in September. There are some other jobs to be done after the recruitment at the college level, such as arranging classes, determining the substitute teachers for college counselors, allocating dormitories, preparing materials, military training plans and so on. All these require a period of preparation and consideration, and the admission work itself is relatively late, so students in such institutions generally start school late.
Due to climatic factors, different regions have different school dates and different holiday times. For example, in Tibetan areas and Qinghai Province, the summer vacation is short and the winter vacation is long. Correspondingly, colleges and universities in the south usually have a long summer vacation, so the start date will be later. This situation generally occurs in local colleges and universities in Guangdong, Guangxi and Hainan provinces, and the weather is summer.