Moreover, the final exam that meets the requirements can only get the course completion certificate issued by Zhejiang University Graduate School. Therefore, if you want to successfully apply for a master's degree, you still have a lot to face later. Next, you only need to apply for a master's degree, and then finish your thesis defense. If you all pass successfully, you can finally get the master's degree certificate issued by the graduate school of Zhejiang University.
Secondly, if you take the joint entrance examination in January for in-service graduate students of Zhejiang University, you will have to pass the joint entrance examination to obtain admission qualification. This entrance examination alone is already very difficult, so we should make preparations in advance. Because I have to take the entrance examination, including the national postgraduate examination in June 5438+February and the college re-examination in March and April, the examination is much more difficult than Shen Shuo with the same academic ability. And the examination process and subjects are the same as full-time graduate students. Only candidates who pass the preliminary examination and re-examination and have the highest comprehensive scores will have the opportunity to obtain admission qualifications. Suitable for office workers to upgrade their academic qualifications. Click to learn more.
For more on-the-job postgraduate information, it is recommended to consult Suntech Education Institution for the application conditions. Click to learn more. Suntech has reformed the course itself through the teaching and research center, and tried its best to provide systematic and standardized courses for students by developing teaching AIDS, researching teaching contents, developing cases and training teachers. Give students a professional course experience.