Judging from the learning experience of these two people, if you want to pass the exam, you should go all out to eliminate interference and concentrate on your study during the preparation stage. I also reflected on my high school stage and didn't concentrate. In fact, the best way to do one thing, especially the exam, is to do only one thing at a certain stage. Finish one thing and then move on to another. It is difficult for people to do several things at the same time, and they are likely to fail. And to do a good job, we must eliminate interference and stay away from people. Really want to find a very quiet place, refuse to have too much contact with the outside world, just prepare. Only if you don't do it with your heart can you accomplish your goal.
I didn't realize this problem before. I was not so attentive when preparing for the exam, and sometimes I was busy with other things. Too many chores distract me. If you do things now, you will also face many temptations of life. Now I have to do something. You'd better turn off your cell phone and don't watch TV. I'll concentrate from the beginning. It's best to use all the time, say an hour or two, to do only one thing. All the time is spent preparing for the exam, and spare time can be used for entertainment or improving appreciation. For example, I am going to do research, that is, I will do only one thing at a fixed time every day, reading or studying, and then stick to it until the end of the exam. Only in this way can I end it. Unfortunately, I didn't realize that I often do several things at the same time, and then I fail and can't do anything well.
When I study, I only study. The temptation to play we are facing now is actually quite big. Sometimes we turn on our mobile phones and play for a long time. The time spent watching TV also passed quickly, and I didn't work hard on one thing.
Just do one thing at a time, just like Jin Zhongfeng, stick to it with the will of an ascetic monk and concentrate on it.