Du, distinguished professor, Peking University, doctoral supervisor, distinguished professor, a Changjiang scholar of the Ministry of Education. Bachelor degree from School of Resources and Environmental Sciences, Wuhan University (1998); Master, State Key Laboratory of Surveying and Mapping Remote Sensing Information Engineering, Wuhan University (2001); Doctor, Institute of Remote Sensing Application, Chinese Academy of Sciences (2004); Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Peking University College of Earth and Space Sciences (2004-2006).
Huang Qinghua, earth electromagnetism, electromagnetic forward and backward methods and numerical calculation, electromagnetic exploration and disaster (earthquake, landslide) monitoring, electrical structure and its dynamic evolution in the earth; Seismophysics, coupling mechanism of multi-physical processes of earthquake preparation and occurrence, statistical seismology.
Ma Jianwei, distinguished professor of Boya Peking University College of Earth and Space Sciences, Director of Peking University Artificial Intelligence Earth Science Center, Director of Intelligent Livable Earth Center of Artificial Intelligence Research Institute.
Tian Hui, professor, doctoral supervisor, winner of National Outstanding Youth Fund. He teaches undergraduate course "Solar Atmosphere and Heliospheric Physics" and postgraduate course "Solar Physics". Mainly engaged in solar physics research, involving solar transition zone dynamics, coronal heating and corona magnetic field measurement, sunspot and flare dynamics, corona activity and extrasolar space weather, space extreme ultraviolet detection, etc.