Destination escort! Accompany translation, travel, shopping,
Beauty and so on. Being accompanied by local people in all parts of the tourist route not only solves the problem of language exchange, but also makes the tourism more colorful because of local customs, culture and geographical attractions. Even if some accidents happen during the trip, they can be solved more effectively with the assistance of local escorts.
Local escort is aimed at personal freedom, accompanied by local people, which reflects the autonomy of tourists in the itinerary. Local escort only plays the role of recommendation and escort. At present, the local escorts of China people traveling abroad are mainly part-time students, overseas Chinese and tour guides.
The difference between a local guide and a tour guide.
A tour guide is a tour guide who leads tourists to stay, board and play. He has specific itinerary planning and code of conduct, and must take the tour guide qualification examination. He is usually affiliated with a travel agency or a specialized tour guide service management agency.
The object of local escort service is free travellers, usually one person or several people. Tourists' itinerary is drawn up by themselves, which has a high degree of freedom, including not only sightseeing, but also shopping, business negotiation, medical care, gambling and so on. Tourists have the initiative and control over the itinerary, which makes the scope of responsibility of local escorts much narrower than that of travel agencies and tour guides. At present, college students with language ability are mainly local escorts of foreign tourists, and the cooperation between local escorts and tourists is relatively loose.