It is estimated that you will need to read the language, and the basic requirement is CET-4 or above, preferably Grade 5 TOPIK certificate. TOPIK had better do better in Korea. China's exam is still useful, but he still had to take the language proficiency exam before. Learning depends mainly on individuals. Everyone has different learning ability, and there are many kinds of super-fast learning.
Learning a language at Hony University is counted as undergraduate credit. Freshmen can take language and professional courses together, but there are restrictions on professional courses. After all, some courses are still incomprehensible because the language is not enough.
You can submit other materials and work together when you register. Note that each piece of work is A3 paper size, and the number of works cannot exceed 5 pieces. There is also the need to stamp the seal of the current school and the signature of the principal. To prove that it is original, I draw pictures. No matter whether they hand in their works or not, design students need to take an exam when they enter the school. The sketch of Still Life is written semi-silently, with a duration of 4 hours and 2 scenes. The exam is similar to that in our other provinces, that is, give a few still lifes and still lifes that require painting, and make a combination painting by yourself.