There is an iron tower on the mountain. It is independent. So is Denstad. The distant mountains are shaded by trees, and the trees are close to it. The sky is separated by the river, and the gauze is around; Try my best, strange geometry? A bridge flies and lies, holding the tortoise and snake as one; A few ge straight down, a few want to fly to the river. The East Lake is vast, with clouds and water. Playing with water on the long beach is blue. A beautiful fish jumps over gold, and a canoe carries a meteor between Apollo. The water is shining, so why should Xiangu throw away copper to learn here? How many times did the goddess dance in front of the mountain in the gloom? The seagulls in the lake are dotted with noise; Wandering around the world, full of energy. Very good! Like water, you have such beautiful ears!
Trees are higher than mountains, and grass is fat at the bottom. Trees cover the sky and are lush; Flowers are all over the trees, and they are all burning. Thousands of insects sing and birds sing. The mountains are rich in grass and the land is colorful. Spring peach and autumn laurel, summer willow and winter plum-enjoying a strange flower and tree, I feel deeply; Wen Qingquan counts his pulse and feels his heart and spleen. Cherry blossom snow race, starting in mid-spring; Mei Duo won the satin and smiled at the end of the cold. The campus is filled with fragrance all the time, and tourists are in a daze. Pavilions and pavilions are shaded by trees; Flute, reed, harp, singing and dancing are melodious. Peach and plum gardens are all the blessings of the times; The students are full, and they will be the glory of their lives. A lady is gentle and graceful, and a book mountain trudges; Handsome young man, learning to swim in the sea. What a romantic spirit this is! -Not the same! People and land are nothing more than "beautiful things, outstanding people"?
Oh! There are beautiful mountains, beautiful waters and romantic figures, and Luo Jia is also a famous fairy! Have fun in the middle. Come on, let's write. It's good for Jia!