The University of Minnesota, a world-famous public research university, is located in the twin cities of Minnesota (Minneapolis and Sao Paulo) and was founded in 185 1.
2. Southwest Minnesota State University
Southwest Minnesota State University, founded in 1963, is a four-year public university, ranking third in the Midwest among bachelor's degree universities, and located in Marshall City, southwest Minnesota, USA.
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3. University of Minnesota at Mohead, USA
University of Minnesota Mohead, founded in 1887, is a public university located in Mohead, the western border of Minnesota, USA.
4. St. Mary's University of Minnesota
St Mary's University of Minnesota, founded in 19 12, is a national comprehensive university offering bachelor's, master's and doctoral degrees in the United States.
5. carleton college
Carleton college, founded in 1866, located in Minnesota, USA, is a small-scale and high-quality college of arts and sciences.
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