1? Appleby, Appleby College? university
2? King-edghil, King Eirgil Middle School
3? Lakefield school. Lakefield? nether world
4? Queen Margaret School? Marga
5? Ridley College ridley? university
6? Saint Margaret's school
7? Trinity of Trinity College School? Kohler
8? Stansted College? Kohler
9? Bishop college
10? The language of Forford-Forford College
1 1? Ashbury, Ashbury College? university
12? Lake Rosso College? Lake? Cole i.
13? St Andrew's College? pass
14? Elm Wood School Elm Wood? school
15? Havegaard College Havegaard? college
16? Branxham, blanchard Hill Hall College.
17? Albert College Albert? university
18? Yorkhouse private high school
19? Vancouver college
20? Upper Canada College
2 1? High school affiliated to the University of Toronto
22? Sanyi school
23? French school in Toronto
24? Strong high school
25? Tudakongna-Tweed Smir School
26? St. Michael noble high school in Canada
27? St George's school
28? San Clemente High School.
29? St Andrew's high school
30? Shawugene Xihu school