Toe means: n. Toe; Toe tip; Toes touch the ground; Tiptoe kick; Walk on tiptoe; Ton oil equivalent. The detailed definition of toe is N. (noun) toe, toe, toe, toe, toe, toe, toe, toe, toe, toe, toe, toe, toe, toe, toe, toe, toe, Toe.
I. Detailed Interpretation Click here to view the details of toe.
Toes, toes, toes, toes, toes, toes, toes, toes, toes, toes, toes, toes, toes, toes, toes, toes, toes, toes, toes, toes, toes, toes, toes. Route 2, Ying Ying interpretation
Noun: oneofthedigitsofthefoot
Tools that provide overlay tools.
(golf) from the bow
Verb: Walksotheosasumeaninted position or direction; "She's inward"
Open obliquely; "Tuo Einar"
To hit (a golf ball) with a bat.
Hit the ball with a bat
Touch with your fingers
Third, dictionary interpretation.
1. Toe tip; toe
Your toes have five movable parts at the endofeachfoot.
2. Toes (of shoes and socks)
The top of a shoe or the part beyond your foot.
3. try a little; Try it carefully
If you want to do something, or you want to do something, you start doing it slowly and carefully, because you are not sure whether you will succeed or whether you will like it.
Toe explanation
For example, this may encourage gold traders to enter the market. ...
This may encourage gold traders to cautiously try to return to the market.
For example, universes are dipping their toes into the waters of management education.
Universities began to try to enter the field of management education.
Stay alert
If you say that someone or something keeps you alert, you mean that they keep you alert and prepare for anything that may happen.
For example, HisfieryCampaignRhetoricha SketopositionPartiesonttoesformonths.
For months, his fierce campaign rhetoric has kept the opposition on its guard.
5. listen; observe
If you are online, your behavior is that people expect you to be online.
For example ... try to stop using belmemberstotoetheline. ...
An effort to persuade the rebels to surrender to the government
He is a politician who is unwilling to do something.
He is one of several politicians who refused to obey the party line.
6. violation; offend
If you read someone's story, you usually accuse them of doing something or interfering in their affairs.
For example, imustbecareful nottoreadontheirtoes. myjobistohallenge, but butnotthreatenthem.
I must be careful not to offend them. My job is to challenge them, not threaten them.
Fourth, examples
Five toes on each foot.
Each foot has five toes.
He stepped on my toe.
I'm tubbedmytoeonarock.
I hit my toe on a stone.
My boots squeezed the blisters on my toes.
She smiled and gave him a tap with the tip of her shoe.
He's from Toptoto.
He was soaked from head to toe.
He stamped out his cigarette.
He tiptoed out.
Lying in the room carefully.
Cindy tiptoed into the room carefully.
Five, common sentence patterns
Used as a noun.
He stepped on my toe. Thereisaholeinthetoeofmysock。
There is a hole in the toe of my sock. Six, commonly used phrases
Used as a noun to indicate someone's vigilance; Alert for action; prepared
Seven, etymological explanation
☆ ta, directly from old English, means toe. Toe-related adjacent words
Toff, children, toed, toea, Toer, toey, Toews, Toebe, Toeda, Toelg, Toeuf, Toemp.
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