The top ten disciplines in the discipline evaluation of Tianjin University are as follows:
Rank? subject
1? Chemical engineering and technology
2? Management Science and Engineering
3? optical engineering
3 architecture
3? Instrumental science and technology
4? Shipbuilding and marine engineering
5? Gardening
5 water conservancy project
6? Power engineering and engineering thermophysics
6? Urban and rural planning
8 civil engineering
8 electrical engineering
8 environmental science and engineering
Nine mechanics
Nankai University:
Second place: chemistry
Second place: world history
Fourth: theoretical economics.
Fourth: statistics
Fifth place: History of China?
Fifth: Mathematics
Part V: Optical Engineering
Fifth place: politics
Sixth: applied economics
Sixth place: Business Administration
Seventh place: sociology
No 7: Plant Protection
No 7: Library, Information and Archives Management
Seventh place: archaeology
Eighth place: biology
Eighth place: Environmental Science and Engineering
No.8: Philosophy?
Eighth: Marxist theory?
Ninth place: physics
10: China language and literature
Xiamen University:
Sun Yat-sen University:
1 ecology?
3 philosophy?
3 business administration?
4 sociology?
4 marine science?
4 clinical medicine?
5 China history?
5 basic medicine?
5 stomatology?
Public health and preventive medicine?
5 * * * management?
5 books, materials and archives management?
6 physics?
6 atmospheric science?
7 China language and literature?
7 archaeology?
8 Marxist theory?
8 geography?
8 biology?
8 nursing?
9 theoretical economics?
10 chemistry?
10 pharmacy?