If you are interviewing for a more formal service job, such as banking, sales or public institutions, you should dress formally. For example, our common suit pants or shirt pants can be less traditional, and it is ok to have more styles than traditional ones, because after all, the newly graduated students are not real professionals, and they are lively and solemn. At this time, clothes should be matched with bags and shoes, and small leather shoes should be added with a simple bag, not too fancy, so as to be formal.
If it is the design industry, various designers, design assistants, etc. You need to relax, it is best to wear your own style. Most people in the design industry don't like people who follow the rules, have no creativity, innovation and vitality, and are abandoned by the design industry. Therefore, it is very important to dress fashionably and unconventional. Boys can choose casual work clothes. In summer, simple short-sleeved trousers should look youthful and energetic. For girls, choose more casual clothes, such as shirts and jeans or simple skirts. The skirt should not be too short or too long, and it should set off the overall image. Plus bags and shoes, the right hairstyle and makeup, these will continue to add points.
In fact, as long as it's not fancy clothes, it's good to be able to suit your general clothes. Mainly depends on personal temperament and inner self-confidence. This gas field shows that suitable clothes will add points, but generally will not reduce points. After all, the interviewer looks at the overall situation of a person, not how appropriate the clothes you wear are.