(1)MOV 2[DI], relative addressing of BX register [10020h+di+2]
(2)MOV [BP+DI+2], AX relative to base address index addressing [20020h+bp+di+2]
(3)MOV DS:[22H], BX direct addressing [10020h+22h].
(4) Add [BX], CX registered indirect address [10020h+bx].
(5)SUB ES:[DI], and the AX register indirectly addresses [40020h+di].
(1)ADD 2, AX The first operand cannot be an immediate number.
(2) Push BL only by 16 digits,
(3) mov [di+si] and dx are not addressed correctly.
(4)SUB 2[DX], AXDX cannot be used for addressing.
⑤MOV DS, AX is correct.
mov al,[buf+ 1]
mov [buf+2],al
Mov bx, offset buffer
Company bx
Mobile aluminum, [bx]
Company bx
mov [bx],al
Mov bx, offset buffer
mov si, 1
mov al,[bx+si]
Company si
mov [bx+si],al