We don't want you to be the first in the exam. We just want you to make progress every time. Even if you can improve one place, it is the result of your efforts, and we will be happy.
3, baby, now you are the beginning of a beautiful fairy tale, and the future story may be inclusive, but it must be beautiful and gorgeous morning light. There may be wind and rain, but there will be bright sunshine to meet you. May you be healthy, happy, smart, pure and kind ... If you are happy, we will be happy!
Dad wants you to form three good habits: love sports, read books every day and be diligent in thinking. People who strive to achieve three loves: parents' dearest children, teachers' favorite students and classmates' favorite friends! Consciously study, born to be a man!
5. Hello, daughter. Please believe that the person you love has only one fate. No matter how long I will get along with you in this life, please cherish the time together. In the next life, whether you love it or not, you will never see each other again.