Cui O9000 quality management system is one of the international standards formulated by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). The concept put forward in 1994 refers to "all international standards formulated by ISO/TC 176(ISO Technical Committee for Quality Management and Quality Assurance)". This standard is helpful to organize the implementation and effective operation of quality management system, and it is the general requirement and guide of quality management system. In the 1990s, China transformed ISO9000 series standards into national standards, and subsequently, various industries also transformed ISO9000 series standards into industry standards.
The significance of ISO9000 training;
First, it emphasizes the customer-centered concept, makes it clear that the company obtains and understands customer requirements through various means, determines customer requirements through the operation of various processes in the system, meets and even exceeds customer requirements, and obtains the feeling of customer satisfaction procedures through the measurement of customer satisfaction, thus continuously improving the company's position in customers' hearts and enhancing customers' confidence;
Second, the top management of the company is explicitly required to directly participate in the activities of the quality management system, formulate quality policies and quality objectives at all levels from the company level, judge the performance of the quality management system by obtaining the realization of quality objectives in time, directly participate in regular management reviews to grasp the overall situation of the whole quality system, and take timely measures to ensure the adequacy of resources from the company level;
Third, clarify the responsibilities, authorities and relationships of personnel at all levels of functions, and clarify the ability requirements of all kinds of personnel from the aspects of education, training, skills and experience to ensure their competence, and ensure the smooth operation of all links of the company by fully participating in the establishment, operation and maintenance of the whole quality system;
Fourth, clearly control all links that may produce nonconforming products, isolate and dispose of nonconforming products, find out the root causes of nonconforming products through institutionalized data analysis, and prevent the occurrence or recurrence of nonconforming products through corrective or preventive measures, so as to continuously reduce the cost of poor quality of the company, continuously improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the quality management system through other continuous improvement activities, and realize the continuous reduction of costs and the continuous growth of profits of the company;
Fifth, by replacing the tedious second-party factory audit with a single third-party registration audit, the third-party professional audit can find out the problems of the company in a deeper level, and through regular supervision and audit, urge the company's personnel to carry out their work according to the quality management system norms determined by the company;
6. Obtaining the quality system certification is a stepping stone to obtain customer supporting qualifications and enter the international market, and it is also an important foundation for enterprises to carry out supply chain management.