Female orientation: Female orientation is used to indicate that she is a girl between LOLI and Yujie. The age of female B is about 14- 18 years old, which is the age when the body is mature, the consciousness is independent, and the world outlook and outlook on life are gradually determined. It's the transition period from Lori to adulthood, childish and semi-mature.
Harem: "There are other ladies in his court, 3,000 rare beauties, but his love for 3,000 people is concentrated on one body."
Fan: Fan refers to "bangumi (romaji)" in Japanese. Generally, the animation at home is called Fan, the older animation is called Pit Fan, and the animation in spring, summer, autumn and winter is called Chun Fan and Xia Fan ... 18X is called Li Fan.
Burning: In short, it is blood. Personally, I don't think it is necessary to be more specific.
Over the past 30 years, the school has created a team of teachers who are rigorous in their studies, brave in innovation and willing to contribute. Amo