Now that you have decided to take the first-class fire engineer exam, it definitely needs a comprehensive review process. We need to know the exam requirements of each subject in advance, and how to take it. After all, such an exam involves too much content, and a round of review always needs to be compared one by one to know how to follow up. I suggest you choose a suitable textbook, which is also helpful for our follow-up study.
2. Pay attention to the reasonable allocation of time
At present, the review time of the first-class fire engineer exam is not very long, so we must pay special attention to the overall time allocation. Pay special attention to the overall study every day. If you start reviewing now, you need at least three or four hours of review time every day, and you also need an overall learning process. Only in this way can we really pass the exam at one time, and insist on reviewing every day, and naturally we can improve our grades and pass the exam.
3. Participate in online course training
The content of the self-taught fire course is only suitable for the primary stage, and you can do the first comprehensive review, which is not suitable for the middle and late preparation. Because time is tight, it is difficult to control the focus of the exam. At this time, it is best to sign up for an online class, learn the key contents from the training teacher, avoid wasting precious time and grasp the key points.