Special education schools have no requirements for teaching, just learn to get along with them and deal with all kinds of problems that may arise at any time. After all, they are not normal people. They may suddenly cry, go crazy, or suddenly get sick. In addition, we should try our best to help them adapt to society, integrate into society, eliminate inferiority complex and establish self-confidence. PS: The age span of special education students is very large, from a few years old to a teenager, they may appear in the same class.
Preschool education is to mix with a group of children under the age of 6, being both a parent and a teacher, which is the biggest difference from special education. Nowadays, preschool education in many areas also has teaching requirements, which means that you should cultivate good habits (this is the most important thing) and teach them knowledge (and ensure that they can master it to a certain extent).
That's all I can think of. Fight unarmed. Ask again if you have questions.