1, contraceptive methods
(1) Condom is the most direct and convenient contraceptive method, which has no side effects on both men and women. At the same time, it is simple to use, small and light, and easy to carry. However, if it is used correctly, if it is used incorrectly, it will lead to pregnancy in the later period. This way is very protective for women, but it will affect men's feelings to some extent. In addition, we can also choose the male contraceptive to solve the problem. Gossypol, for example, can effectively inhibit male sperm production and continuously reduce the number of sperm, thus achieving effective oligospermia or azoospermia. However, patients need to use drugs in strict accordance with the instructions, otherwise infertility will occur later.
(2) If the patient does not want to have children, or wants to choose a less troublesome scheme, it can be solved by ligation. After male ligation, when having sex with women, women will not get pregnant, which is a good protective measure for women. But this is permanent, mainly by cutting off the vas deferens so that sperm can not enter the semen and be excluded from the body to achieve the purpose of not getting pregnant. At the initial stage of ligation, it is impossible to have a permanent contraceptive effect immediately, and some protective measures are needed to solve it until it is determined.
2. Preventive measures
There are not many types of male contraceptive methods, depending on what the main purpose is to achieve. If you don't want children later, you can choose ligation. Long-term medication is not recommended, which may lead to later infertility. Therefore, during contraception, you must choose carefully. In addition, it is best for men to avoid contraception in sexual life by wearing condoms.
3. Other methods
(1) vasectomy: The difference between this method and ligation is that it is not necessary to cut the vas deferens, but to inject a special substance (mainly carbolic acid) into the vas deferens to stimulate the vas deferens to form scars and harden, thus losing its channel function.
Insufficient: Because the amount of injected materials is not well controlled, some people's vas deferens are stuck for too long, and the surgical site feels acupuncture-like discomfort. This method has been abandoned by most clinicians.
(2) Non-obstructive vasectomy device: "male intrauterine device" technology, its scientific name is non-obstructive vasectomy device. This method is equivalent to putting a' filter tube' in the vas deferens, just blocking and intercepting sperm, thus achieving the purpose of contraception. It affects the discharge of other body fluids, even if sperm leaks out, it is fragmented and loses its pregnancy-causing function. When contraception is not needed, the filter can be taken out to restore normal reproductive function. The biggest advantage of this operation is reversibility, unlike the traditional ligation, which blocks the vas deferens first and then ligates both ends. In the future, if there is a need for fertility, as long as the blocking device is removed, the vas deferens can be reopened.
4, the benefits of condoms
The emergence and application of new male contraceptive methods will hopefully change the traditional bisexual contraceptive mode. But this does not mean that condoms will be replaced. The greatest significance of condoms, in addition to contraception, can also prevent the spread of sexually transmitted diseases. However, in order for men to take the leading responsibility of contraception, it is also important to change their concepts in addition to scientists' efforts to develop safer, more convenient and more economical contraceptive methods.
5, the concept problem
(1) Traditionally, fertility is a woman's business, and many men also think that contraception should be borne by women, "it's none of my business". In addition, some people mistakenly think that birth control surgery is harmful to the body, or that surgery is irreversible. In case they give birth again in accordance with the law for some reason in the future, they are worried that "it will not work again." As long as the concept and misunderstanding of "big man" are not reversed, it is still difficult for men to assume the leading responsibility of contraception.
(2) From the perspective of contraceptive effect, birth control surgery is a better choice. Any kind of birth control operation should be safe, effective, simple, economical and reversible. Generally speaking, female birth control surgery is more complicated and more difficult than male birth control surgery. Because women's birth control surgery needs to enter the abdominal cavity, while men only need to operate under the scrotum, women's injury area is larger than that of men, and the operation time is longer, so they need hospitalization. Men are just outpatient operations, and skilled doctors can do it in a few minutes. From the perspective of economic cost, complexity of surgery and physical endurance, men are more "worthy" of surgery than women.