Education Group: including Exeter University, Newcastle University, University of East Anglia, University of Manchester, Queen's University of Belfast and City University.
Study Group Education Group: Leicester University, Lancaster University, Sussex University, Surrey University, Heriot Watt University, Kiel University, university of stirling.
Schools without their own preparatory courses:
1 Oxford University
Cambridge Cambridge University
Imperial College of Imperial University of Technology
10 Bristol University
1 1 York University
14 University of Edinburgh
17 Loughborough University
A prestigious school with a good preparatory course:
University of St Andrews.
5 University College London University College London
Warwick University
King's College London
13 University of Bath
34 ? School of Oriental and African Studies
Other school preparatory courses will not be evaluated:
Nottingham University
22 Birmingham University of Birmingham
Aston Aston University
Cardiff Cardiff University
University of Leeds
Royal University of holloway
3 1 University of Reading Reading
University of Aberdeen
Queen Mary College
Strathclyde university of strathclyde
39 University of Kent
4 1 Dundee university of dundee
Essex University of Essex
Hull University
45 Golden Smith College Golden Smith College
Aberystwyth University
Brunel University, brunell
Swansea University