Animation Teaching in Sakura Japanese School in Hangzhou
The teaching system introduces a series of teaching contents through original animated stories. The story describes that KINOMOTO SAKURA, an electronic life form, tries hard to learn the human language (Japanese) and learn the language knowledge needed for communication with people in life in order to integrate into human society. KINOMOTO SAKURA was originally a virtual life (digital elf) designed by a virtual idol research institute. In order to test KINOMOTO SAKURA's abilities, she was put into human society, and Bo was sent as his younger brother to monitor. I met a young white-collar worker "Tachio Nakamura" in my life, and I have a good impression on each other, but KINOMOTO SAKURA, as a virtual idol, can't accept this feeling. So KINOMOTO SAKURA changed people with different professional identities, and Taxiong Nakamura appeared wherever he went. With more contacts with people, KINOMOTO SAKURA gradually integrated into Japanese human society. In the study of 12 at all levels from elementary to intermediate to advanced, students can learn from shallow to deep, and use it in family Japanese conversation at home, involving self-introduction, family member addresses, convenience store shopping, eating, living and traveling; The Japanese conversation on campus in learning situations involves learning scenes, exam scenes and graduation scenes. It also includes Japanese conversation used to make friends and communicate emotionally, involving lyrical, entertainment, garden, dating, shopping, watching movies and other scenes; And business Japanese conversations used in the workplace, involving office meetings, business trips, social banquets and other scenes.