One possible reason why Rong Xue can't log in is that the login password is wrong or forgotten. Another possibility is that the network conditions are not good. Or the software version needs to be updated. You can check and solve problems according to your actual situation. The training plan in the mobile learning app is authorized to log in, which is their internal training plan. There is no external service, so you can't log in.
Social foundation:
In particular, the development of modern society and modern educational practice puts forward newer and higher requirements for pedagogy research. The essence of education, the relationship between education and society, people, the purpose and content of education, the ways, methods and forms of education implementation and their relations are all educational issues that people have studied deeply.
Educational process, educational subject, educational system, educational management and various educational theories and practices with China characteristics. Pedagogy reveals the general law of education through the study of various educational phenomena and problems.