For example, in pre-school and basic education, teenagers are still in a relatively rapid stage of physical and mental development, and it is reasonable to put the intrinsic value or intrinsic value before the instrumental value or external value in this period. If we overemphasize the realization of tool value or external value, we may really sacrifice the realization of internal value or ontology value which has long-term significance for their life development.
But by the university stage, the physical and mental qualities of teenagers have basically formed, and they need to prepare for employment. At this time, the value orientation of education should pay more attention to the requirements of external value or instrumental value.
The core of educational value order is people's educational value logic.
Education system, society and individuals often have different understandings on this issue. At present, all kinds of problems in the field of education are rooted in the undeveloped educational value order in which the educational system plays a leading role.
Therefore, the educational system should strive to make the educational value order based on scientific rationality and human ideals play a leading role through educational value competition. Only in this way can we solve many problems.