Cultural education in Jindanshang village
Primary school students in this village go to Xiangyao Primary School and middle school students go to Midian Middle School. The village is 5.00km away from the primary school and 3.00km away from the middle school/kloc-0. At present, there are 14 students in compulsory education in this village, including primary school students 14. The village of Xiangdao Suo Jin Dan Shang is located in the southeast of the village of Xiangyao Suo Shang. The altitude is 2040 meters. Then the Yi language means that the village is located in a narrow and wide house. Residents of the whole village 139 people, all of whom are Yi people. There are surnames such as Wang, Zhao An and Luo in the village, and their living history is over 1200 years. There is a historical site in the village, then pagoda, also known as the North Tower. Built in 1936, square, 12 steps, about 12 meters high.