In childhood and adolescence, most or all of the glans penis is hidden in the foreskin of penis. With the development of sexual organs, it gradually emerges from the inside, because the glans penis is an area rich in nerve endings and sensitive to external stimuli. Due to the friction stimulation of clothes, the sensitivity of sensitive glans gradually decreases, and the response threshold to external stimuli also increases. After that day, in the process of sexual intercourse, it is not easy to be overly sensitive and premature ejaculation is not easy to occur.
If you are still phimosis when you grow up, as long as you have a little contact with the sexual organs, the stimulation on the surface of the glans is very sensitive and it is easy to lead to premature ejaculation. In addition, phimosis or foreskin is too long, which is easy to form penis incarceration during sexual intercourse, resulting in ischemic necrosis and infection. Therefore, early penile circumcision is also one of the methods to prevent premature ejaculation.