1. It is very important to educate children to form the good habit of washing their hands frequently, especially before meals. Lead dust in the environment will pollute children's hands when playing, and it is easy to enter the body with eating or through habitual hand and mouth movements, which will lead to an increase in lead load for a long time.
2. Pay attention to children's personal hygiene and cut their nails frequently. Nail seams are particularly prone to lead dust.
3. Wash children's toys and supplies frequently.
4. Be sure to use a clean wet rag to clean the dust in the parts that children can reach. Children's food and tableware should be covered with dust.
5. Don't take children for a walk or play near the lead factory.
6. Family members directly engaged in lead work must change their work clothes and take a bath before coming off work. Work clothes and children's clothes should not be washed together. Children should not be breast-fed in lead workplaces (or workshops).
7. Families using coal as fuel should open windows for ventilation. Pregnant women and children should try to avoid passive smoking.
8. When buying children's tableware, color patterns and fake and inferior products should be avoided. Children should avoid foods with high lead content such as preserved eggs and foods exploded by old popcorn machines.
9. You can't use tap water that stays in the pipeline for a long time to prepare milk powder or cook for your child. By ingesting nutrients and dietary fiber, lead is prevented from being absorbed by the digestive tract, and nutrients are supplemented at the same time, which is suitable for use with blood lead content below 200 micrograms, and dietary fiber is directly discharged through feces without toxic and side effects. For example, Zhenghe Weitagan Oil Pill, by supplementing vitamins A, C, D and plant pectin, achieves the effect of expelling lead and inhibiting lead.
Malnutrition in children, especially the lack of calcium, iron and zinc in the body, can improve the absorption rate and susceptibility of lead. Therefore, in daily life, it is necessary to ensure children's dietary balance and the supply of various nutrients, and educate children to develop good eating habits.
1, children should eat regularly to avoid eating too greasy food. Because fasting and greasy food will increase the absorption of lead in the intestine.
2. Children should always eat dairy products and bean products with sufficient calcium; Animal liver, blood, meat, eggs and seafood rich in iron and zinc; Fresh vegetables and fruits rich in vitamin C.