2. nip name-calling in the bud. Some parents, especially children, find it interesting to listen to their children say a few dirty words. Instead of stopping them, they encouraged them. This is very undesirable. Therefore, parents should not tease or laugh at their children because they swear, which will strengthen his behavior. Instead, you should tell him: "This sentence is a dirty word, not good to listen to, and the baby will not learn."
At the same time, stories, children's songs and other forms can be used to instill truth into the baby and explain the code of conduct. Let the baby know what is good, what is bad, what to do and what not to do.
3. Educate children to correctly treat the friction with others. In most cases, children's curses are a cathartic reaction to their injuries, such as things being stolen by others, being knocked down by others when walking carelessly, and so on. And they often call names. Parents should educate their children to treat the friction with others with goodwill, let them understand that unpleasant things will inevitably happen in life, and let them learn to tolerate the mistakes of others, and don't get angry and call names for these trivial things.