First, British Kant put forward that comparative education has three purposes, namely, "to provide facts and develop educational ideas", "to understand the causes of educational problems in a specific ethnic background" and "to learn from the experience of other countries". The three purposes are actually a progressive relationship between facts, reasons and references, and the ultimate goal is to learn from them.
Second, Hans, a contemporary of Condell, clearly pointed out that the main purpose of comparative education is to "analyze and study various factors (forming the education system) from a historical perspective and compare the methods of solving problems caused by these factors in various countries", but also admitted that comparative education is the reference purpose of domestic education reform-"It (comparison) not only allows us to compare the current system, but also to imagine the reform that is most suitable for the new social and economic conditions ... Comparative education is accompanied by reform.
Thirdly, after World War II, Beredi, a Polish who settled in the United States, made a breakthrough in the purpose of comparative education. He believes that "the most important purpose of comparative education is to meet people's intellectual requirements, and people study foreign educational systems because they want to know", which makes the research of comparative education from a higher level, that is, from the perspective of knowledge, rather than being so utilitarian. However, Beredi has not completely shaken off the influence of previous scholars on the orientation of comparative education. He also believes that comparative education has a practical purpose, namely, reference and evaluation. Beredi's new breakthrough in explaining the purpose of comparative education has not attracted people's attention (people are more concerned about his comparative four-step method).
In a word, comparative education takes comparative research as the basic research method, supplemented by other methods. The study of comparative education is centered on contemporary educational problems, with international and transnational characteristics, and takes various phenomena in the whole educational field as the research object.