Mathematics: limit, linear algebra foundation (determinant+matrix), advanced sequence, advanced analytic geometry (if there is a tangent problem), function, inequality, advanced plane geometry. (I think lz should look at the first 3-4 chapters of the textbook "Advanced Mathematics" by itself, all the way to Cauchy mean value theorem, which will be useful for the college entrance examination. )
Physics: In those years, we trained the introduction of rigid body mechanics, fluid mechanics (up to Bernoulli equation), heat (People's Education Edition 3.3 supplemented polytropic process and Carnot cycle), wave theory, electromagnetism (supplemented by star angle transformation and Gauss formula), physical optics and geometric optics. Be responsible, these things are useless later. It examines ability, such as multiple-choice questions that can determine the correct answer even if they can't.
Chemistry: My aaa exam that year was mainly about crystal structure, hybrid orbital theory, organic chemistry and so on. It is useless to talk about supersaturated vapor pressure, dependence of dilute solution, generalized acid-base (non-aqueous solvent), chemical thermodynamics and kinetics basis, and electrochemical basis (up to Tesla equation) during training.