Research objects: educational phenomena and educational problems.
Educational task: to reveal educational laws and guide educational practice.
Extended data
1, the object and task of pedagogy
The research object of pedagogy is educational phenomena and educational problems; The task of pedagogy is to reveal the law of education, explore the value and art of education and guide educational practice.
2. The goal of China Education History Examination.
Grasp the basic knowledge of China's educational history systematically, and grasp the basic clues of the evolution of educational thoughts, the development of educational system and the process of education implementation, especially the educational thoughts of major educators, important educational systems and major educational events.
3. Examination objectives of foreign educational history
Grasp the basic historical facts of the development of foreign educational thoughts and systems, understand important educational thinkers, important educational systems and major educational events, and understand the clues of educational historical development.
4. The research object and task of educational psychology.
The research object of educational psychology; The research task of educational psychology.
Baidu Encyclopedia -333 Comprehensive Education Outline