2. Relieve the pain and suffering caused by the disease. This is the oldest and most traditional medical purpose in medicine, but modern medicine can not meet this requirement well, because there is a huge difference between doctors' understanding of pain and the implementation of pain treatment, and between pain caused by substantive lesions and pain caused by mental psychology.
3. Treat and take care of diseases and those who can't be cured. In the past, medicine often found the cause first, and then looked for a treatment to restore patients to a state of functional well-being, and nursing was often neglected. The biggest job of medical workers is to manage diseases rather than cure them.
4. Avoid premature death and pursue peaceful death. Fighting against death is an important purpose of medicine, but medicine should maintain a good contradiction balance with all kinds of deaths. Medicine should provide the service of calming death, not preventing the possibility of death.
Extended data
Whether Chinese medicine or western medicine, from birth to now, the main function is to treat diseases. At the end of the 20th century, the final conclusion of the global medical discussion was that the best medicine is not the medicine to cure diseases, but the medicine to keep people from getting sick. Therefore, we believe that the future medicine should be scientific prevention.
Treating diseases before they are treated scientifically means making people less sick and not getting sick. So what is a scientific treatment? It is to predict physical, mental and intellectual diseases and distinguish which foods are caused by sick people and those who are not sick. Individualized scientific dietotherapy can achieve the purpose of treating different diseases at the same time through food supplement and food restriction.
Applicable people: pre-disease prevention, early detection of diseases, and rehabilitation of serious diseases. Critical illness needs Chinese medicine, western medicine, surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy. And the future medicine, that is, scientific disease prevention, is to use green therapy and balanced diet to prevent and treat mental and physical diseases.
Human beings are created by nature, and food feeds them. Any food in the world has medicinal effects. Long-term partial eclipse means that the diet structure is unscientific and unreasonable, leading to countless diseases and even death. The World Health Organization has put forward four cornerstones of health: balanced nutrition, moderate exercise, adequate sleep, smoking cessation and alcohol restriction.
Baidu encyclopedia-medicine