The task of education is mainly to discover automation, and the purpose of automation, that is, the purpose of education, is "the idea of truth, goodness and beauty, that is, the ultimate purpose of life." Automatic understanding aims at truth, automatic feeling aims at beauty, and automatic will aims at goodness.
Following the principle of nature means that education should follow the natural development process of human beings, that is, considering the age characteristics and personality characteristics of students. Following the cultural principle means that "in education, we must pay attention to the conditions of the place and time where a person was born or will live in the future, pay attention to all modern cultures in its broad and all-encompassing sense, and especially learn the culture of the motherland."
Teaching tasks in Stowe Hui's educational view
1, teachers must continue to educate themselves. Stewart believes that teachers should not only educate others, but also educate themselves, and the significance of self-education is even more significant. It is impossible for a person to educate others without educating himself well; The education and growth of students depends on that of teachers.
2. Teachers must be energetic and determined. Stilwell believes that teachers' mental state directly affects students. When the teacher is full of energy, the students will be excited.
Teachers must make their teaching fascinating. Stilwell believes that if teaching can't attract students' attention, education will be suspended. Only by stimulating students' noble and pure interest can teachers make students tend to be true, good and beautiful and study advanced subjects hard.
4. Teachers must pay attention to cultivating students' expressive ability. Stilwell opposes academic teaching methods, disapproves of teachers' full-time irrigation, and thinks that this is not conducive to the cultivation of students' language ability.