1992- 1994 Distinguished Research Fellow, Department of Chemical Engineering, Tokyo University of Science and Technology, Japan 1996- 1997 Visiting Associate Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering, Tokyo University of Science and Technology, Japan. At the invitation of Professor Yukio Kitahara and Professor Jiro Kono, famous Japanese colloid interface chemists, cooperative research on the synthesis of nanoparticles with controllable size, structure and morphology was carried out, 2000-20065. 1980- 1987 and 1990 won six awards: major scientific and technological achievement award of Chinese academy of sciences 1, first prize of national scientific and technological progress award 1, three second prizes and second prize 1. Reviewers of Information Science Department and Chemical Science Department of National Natural Science Foundation of China, Journal of American Chemical Society, Angwandte Chemie International Edition, Macromolecules, Langmuir, Journal of Physical Chemistry, China Journal of Science and Inorganic Chemistry, Reviewer of Journal of Physical Chemistry and China Process Engineering, Biosensor &; Special commentator of bioelectronics. Published more than SCI and EI papers 100, and more than 50 invention patents (36 have been authorized).