Their basic definition is: capitalist countries invade feudal countries, promote the disintegration of feudal society and the development of capitalist factors, turn feudal society into semi-feudal society, control these countries at the same time, make them politically and economically subordinate to themselves, and turn independent countries into semi-feudal countries.
As for the forms of expression, foreign powers interfere in the internal affairs of countries, the aggressor countries plunder China's resources, and various unequal treaties.
2009-06- 12
The semi-feudal and semi-colonial time is 1840- 1949. Modern China is a semi-colonial and semi-feudal society, which is different from the feudal society before the Opium War and the general capitalist society. Therefore, it has many characteristics of its own, which are as follows: imperialism has increasingly become the decisive factor in ruling China and hindering the social development and progress of China. Imperialism constantly launched the war of aggression against China, forcing the Qing government to sign a series of unequal treaties that humiliated the country. They manipulated China's finance, economy, military and culture, making the already backward economy and culture even more backward, becoming the main force that hindered the independent development of modern China, and also the general source of all disasters and evils in modern China. China's feudalism and imperialist aggression colluded with each other, which was the most reactionary and decadent force in modern China and became the social foundation of imperialist rule and enslavement of China. The invasion of imperialist powers destroyed the natural economic foundation of feudal self-sufficiency, but the foundation of feudal exploitation system not only still existed, but also combined with the exploitation of comprador capital and usury capital, which occupied a significant advantage in China's social and economic life and became the most important economic form in modern China. Although modern Chinese national capitalism developed, it never became the main economic form of China society. As China is a semi-colonial country ruled indirectly by several imperialists, the imperialist powers divide their spheres of influence in China and implement the policy of divide and rule, which makes China's political, economic and cultural development extremely unbalanced. The broad masses in China, especially the broad masses of workers and peasants, are not only oppressed by imperialism and feudalism, but also exploited and oppressed by the bureaucratic comprador bourgeoisie. They live a cold and hungry life and have no political rights. The poverty and unfriendliness of the people of China are rare in the world. The culture of modern China was born in the difficult process of cultural conflict and blending between China and the West. This culture consists of bourgeois democratic thought, utopian socialism and Marxism. Finally,