Comenius: On Great Teaching, translated by Fu Rengan, Education Science Press, 1999.
Rousseau, Emile-On Education, translated by Li Pingwei, Commercial Press, 1996.
Froebel, human education, translation. Sun Zufu, People Education Press, 199 1.
Montessori: The Scientific Method of Montessori's Early Childhood Education, translated by Ren, People's Education Press, 1993.
The secret of childhood. Trans. Ma ronggen People's Education Press, 1990.
Dewey: School and society. School tomorrow. Trans. Zhao Xianglin, Ren,. People's Education Press, 1994.
Dewey: Democracy and Education, Wesley Wang, People's Education Press, 1990.
Suhomlinski Serve children wholeheartedly. Trans. Bi Shuzhi and Zhao Wei. See: trilogy of educating people. People's Education Press, 1998.
Chen Heqin. How to implement life education? See: Selected Works of Education, edited by Zhou. People's Education Press, 1994.