The telephone number of Taicang Education Bureau is for residents to consult Taicang Education Bureau. The Municipal Education Bureau is a department of Taicang Municipal Government, which is responsible for the education management, planning and service of the whole city. The telephone number is 05 12-5323270.
Residents can know the policies, regulations and procedures of Taicang Education Bureau by calling this number. At the same time, it can also reflect the educational problems and suggestions that residents care about, and the Municipal Education Bureau will handle and reply according to the situation.
In short, the telephone number of Taicang Education Bureau is a convenient channel for residents to ask questions and reflect their opinions, and it is also a bridge between Taicang Education Bureau and residents.
Taicang education bureau
Taicang Education Bureau is the administrative organ of Taicang Municipal Government, responsible for the education management, planning and service of the whole city. Taicang Education Bureau has improved the quality of education and service level by improving the education system, strengthening the construction of teaching staff and optimizing the allocation of educational resources, which has made positive contributions to cultivating outstanding talents and promoting social harmony and economic development in Taicang.