Peking University HSBC EDP project is a training and advanced study project for senior managers in Peking University HSBC Business School, which focuses on spreading excellent management concepts to senior managers, enhancing their capital operation strength and helping enterprises achieve leap-forward development. Based on the opportunities and challenges faced by enterprises in China at present, Peking University HSBC EDP Center has won unanimous praise and support from business leaders in various industries and developed rapidly, relying on top academic teachers and enthusiastic professional teaching and educational administration team. Since its establishment in 2007, EDP Center has successfully launched a series of special courses, such as seminars on private equity (PE) and enterprise listing, seminars on business philosophy and business leaders in peking university hsbc school of business, seminars on young leaders in peking university hsbc school of business, seminars on business model innovation, seminars on strategic management, seminars on secretaries of listed companies and seminars on AMP management. In addition, EDP Center also tailored the training plan for the specific needs of enterprises, and committed to providing management training programs that are in line with corporate culture, industry status and students' characteristics, so as to support corporate team cohesion, organizational upgrading and change management.
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