Perhaps it is because Wang Mang took power from his consorts. Before he became emperor, he was very good at being a man and performed well. Everyone thinks he has outstanding ability. He not only won the support of ministers, but also was very popular with the people. He also knows how to behave. For example, before he became emperor, his aunt Empress Dowager wanted to commend him and gave him 2.56 million mu of land. In order to show that this is what he should do, he insisted on refusing, and finally did not accept so much land.
After the natural disaster, he donated money and land at the first time. This behavior also made other officials start donating money, which was very useful in the hearts of the victims. Another time, one of Wang Mang's sons killed a handmaiden. He was very angry. He not only scolded his son, but also forced him to kill to save his life. This made ordinary people at that time full of praise, thinking that he was not only superior in ability, but also excellent in life. How can he be unpopular if he can do such a righteous act?
But after Wang Mang proclaimed himself emperor, he did something that hurt people's hearts. In order to consolidate his political power, he started a series of reorganization, but failed. For example, he carried out currency reform, and he asked for a reduction in copper coins, but the face value of copper coins became larger. As a result, the national economy began to be chaotic, and the lives of ordinary people were greatly affected. In addition, he also launched many wars, which made the lives of ordinary people turbulent. Later, there was a famine, the people were miserable, and the population dropped sharply. After his death, his tongue was cut off.