Aducationisnotanend,butameanstoanend。 In other words, we don't just want to educate them, our purpose is to live.
InsmemodernCountrieSitShabeenfashionable TothinkHandFreeEducation ForallCanSolveAll the Problems of Society and buildadaperfection. But we can have free education. We find that in these countries, a large number of people with university degrees are accepting jobs that they consider "low-level". In fact, it is immoral and shameful to work with one person in these countries. However, we just think that compared with professors, they have no culture at all. If noonecleanedour street and tooktherubbishaway come from our houses, weshouldgetterribledieasesinourdowns.
In fact, when we say that we must receive lifelong education, it means that we must receive such education. First of all, each of us has talent and ability in every job. Secondly, we can realize that all jobs are indispensable to society and everyone's jobs are useless. Only such education can be considered valuable to society.