First, open the official website of the Ministry of Education, and on the right: the Study Abroad Service Center of the Ministry of Education (China Study Abroad Service Center).
Open this website, and you can see the list of certification bodies at the bottom.
Higher Education Institutions in the Framework Agreement on Mutual Recognition of Academic Degrees between Chinese and British Governments
The framework agreement on mutual recognition of degree certificates signed by the Chinese and British governments in February 2003 includes the following institutions.
An institution recognized by the British government as having the right to award independent degrees.
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Sort alphabetically
University of Aberdeen
university of abertay dundee
Aberystwyth University
Anglia Ruskin University
Archbishop of Canterbury
arts institute at bournemouth
university of the arts,london
Ashrich (Bona Law Memorial) Trust Fund (also known as Ashrich)
aston university
Bangor University
university of bath
Bath Hot Springs University
university of bedfordshire
Birkbeck College
University of Birmingham
birmingham city university
university college birmingham
Bishop College of Grotester, Lincoln University
University of Bolton
Bournemouth University
BPP university professional research institute co., ltd
university of bradford
university of brighton
University of Bristol
Brunel University
Buckingham University
New University of Buckinghamshire
University of Cambridge
Canterbury Christian University
cardiff university
university of central lancashire
Central School of Speech and Drama
University of Chester
University of Chichester
City University
school of law
Kautaud College of Art
Coventry University
cranfield university
university for creative arts
university of cumbria
de montfort university
university of derby
university of dundee
Durham University
university of east anglia
university of east london
Marginal mountain university
University of Edinburgh
Napier University of Edinburgh
University of Essex
University of Exeter
University College Falmouth
Glamorgan University
University of Glasgow
Caledonian University of Glasgow
Gloucestershire University
Gerlind. R university (Prifysgol Glynd? r)
Goldsmith College (also known as Goldsmith College of University of London)
university of greenwich
Harper Adams University College
heriot watt university
university of hertfordshire
Hesrop college
university of huddersfield
university of hull
Ifs finance college
Imperial College of Science and Technology (also known as Imperial College London)
the college of education
Cancer research institute
Kiel University
University of Kent
King's College
Kingston University
lancaster university
Leeds University
leeds metropolitan university
leeds trinity university
Leicester University
Lincoln University
University of Liverpool
liverpool hope university
Liverpool Johns Mures University
University of London
London Business School
London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
London School of Economics and Political Science
london south bank university
University College London
Loughborough University
University of Manchester
Manchester City University
Middlesex University
University of Newcastle upon Tyne
Newman University College
the university of northampton
Northumbria University, Newcastle
Art College of Norich University
Nottingham University
nottingham trent university
Open University
University of Oxford
oxford brookes university
plymouth university
Plymouth University College, St. Mark and St. John
the university of portsmouth
Queen Margaret University of Edinburgh
Queen Mary and westerfield College (also known as Queen Mary College, University of London)
queen's university belfast
University of Reading
Richmond, the American International University in London
Robert Gordon University
Roehampton University
Royal Conservatory of Music
Royal College of Agriculture
Royal college of art
Royal Conservatory of Music
Royal holloway and Bedford New College (also known as Royal holloway, University of London)
Royal Northern Conservatory of Music
Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama
Royal Veterinary College
university of salford
School of Oriental and African Studies
college of pharmacy
University of Sheffield
Sheffield Haram University
Southampton University
Sollente University, Southampton
University of St Andrews
St George's Hospital School of Medicine (also known as St George's College, University of London)
St Mary's University College
staffordshire university
the university of stirling
university of strathclyde
the university of sunderland
University of Surrey
University of Sussex
swansea institute of higher education
Swansea University
teesside university
Trinity University College
UHI Millennium institute
Ulster University
University of Wales
university of wales institute,cardiff
Lambert University of Wales
University of Wales, Newport (Prifysgol Cymru, Casnewydd)
Warwick University
University of West London
Bristol University of the West of England
University of western Scotland
university of westminster
University of Winchester
Wolverhampton University
University of Worcester
York University
St John's University of York